Boy looking at the camera and smiling while holding his guitar under his arm.

Your gift changes lives.

Families come to the Fusion Scholarship Foundation in desperate need of hope. They finally found a school that can fully support their child, but are unable to pay for the tuition of a completely personalized education. Your gift to the Foundation gives hope back to these families. Thanks to your generous donations, we have been able to change the lives of over 130 students and their families.

The impact of your support is tangible and measurable.

Every year our impact continues to grow. From the number of scholarships awarded to the total investment in future generations, these figures highlight the tangible difference made by our donors and supporters.

137 Scholarships to Date
$2.2 Million Total Dollars Awarded
47 Recipient Campuses
Fusion grads are gathered on stage in their caps and gowns, some throwing their hats into the air. A high school student is learning science from a teacher in a one-one-one setting.

Your support means their success.

Your support is crucial in continuing our mission to transform lives through education. By donating to the Fusion Scholarship Foundation, you become part of a powerful movement to empower students and shape the future. Together, we can change the lives of deserving students and families.

Donate Now to Empower Lives and Transform Futures